
Protecting our environment

浏览:734  来源:广深家教信息网  日期:2009-09-25
教材版本 Oxford English Shenzhen 9AB Chapter 8
课题名称  Protecting our environment
授课年级   Junior III
授课时长   一课时(45分钟)
一.[教学课型] 阅读课
二. [教材分析]
四.[教学目标] Three-dimensional teaching aims and demands:
Teaching aims: Three-dimensional teaching aims and demands:
1.        Knowledge goals:
a.        some key words, phrases and sentences
b.        make the Ss fully understand the passage
2.        Ability goals:
a.        enable the Ss to master the reading skills while reading
b.        promote the Ss’ reading speed and understanding
3.        Moral goals :
a.        arouse the Ss to be aware of the importance of the trees
b.        Get the Ss to protect our environment from themselves, from now on
1. 教学重点:
     To train the class reading skills and good habits on reading.
     Get the class to fully understand the passage.
2. 教学难点:
        To make the Ss learn and grasp the key vocabulary and the target language.
. [教学策略]
1.        Ask them to surf the internet how many trees we have chopped and how many we have planted every year?
2.        How can we help the class read the passage in a better and successful way?
b. 创新颖的导入
Step One Warming-up
Get the Ss to see the flash (Earth Song sung by Michael Jackson) and fill the blank.
Step Two Leading –in
 Let the class see some pictures about the trees.(too many were cut down)
Ask the class to name something from trees.(such as pencils, erasers, books…)
Get them to know how important the trees to us!
Step Three Reading
A. Predicting 
 What will the interview talk about?     Who are they?
What is the relationship between the speakers?
设计说明: 培养学生的预测能力和对问题的判断力。
B. Skimming
Read the title, ask who are the pollution fighters, men or trees?
设计说明: 培养学生快速阅读的能力,帮助学生掌握文章基本大意。
C. Scanning
  Get the Ss to listen to the tape with books closed, and then finish the “T” or “F” questions:
1. Trees are bigger and older than any other living things on Earth. (T)
2. Some fruit like watermelons and orange are from trees.(F)
3. Trees are man-made air conditioners.(F)
4. We can take enough oxygen from trees.(T)
5. Scientists have understood the trees for a long time.(F)
6. Trees are our best pollution fighters, so we should protect them. (T)
设计说明: 在听的过程中,让学生去获取一定的阅读知识。这样即锻炼了学生的听力理解能力又进一步帮助了学生为处理文章的细节而做准备。
D. Detailed reading
 Get the Ss to read after the tape, then fill the form:
Trees are our friends, list the advantages:
make streets
 more beautiful and less noisy
trees provide us
 many things like fruit, wood, and oxygen
make the air
 cool, clean and harmless
trees protect themselves
 by producing a chemical to make the leaves taste nasty
trees help us
 to be away from a flood, hot weather and pollution
trees are
 our best fighters against pollution
设计说明: 在阅读教学中,老师把课文中的信息用表格形式来表达是吻合阅读教学的活动安排。因为它即能锻炼学生的阅读理解能力,又能培养学生 的释义能力。它简洁明了,学生容易接受并完成。
Step Four Discussion
1. What do you think of trees after reading the interview?
 2. Can we be good friends with trees?  and how?
 Before discussion, I let the Ss see some beautiful pictures about trees, then have them think over.
Trees bring us too much, beautiful views, pure air…
They are really our friends. How can we keep the friendship between us?
设计说明: 让学生对课文有更深层的理解,并展开讨论。同时,恰到适时地对学生进行德育教育的渗透:即:从我做起,从现在做起,让我们一起来保护我们的环境,我们的树木,我们的地球!(We have only one earth! It is our duty to protect our environment!
Step Five  Summary 
Trees are our best fighters, but they are now in great danger!
As a student,
We should be active in the project of planting more trees!
We should take good care of trees at anytime and any place!
We should be very careful with fire when we are near the trees.
We shouldn’t smoke in the woods!
We mustn’t pick up the flowers or fruit from the trees at will!(随意)
We mustn’t break off the branches of the trees as you like!
We ought to keep the trees safe! Never hang anything in the tree!
设计说明: Make sure the Ss know the importance of trees. And get them to know what they should do and not to. It is everyone’s duty!
 Step Six  Assignment
  Get the Ss to make a survey about trees in their hometown.
Is there any project about trees there ? And what are they?
If not, what advice will you give? And what is your own plan for the trees?
八.   [教学反思]
2.不足:  少数同学的阅读速度较慢,在讨论中对所探讨的问题理解不够深刻。
3.反思:     本堂课我改变了传统的整体教学阅读模式,努力创设情景,营造氛围,充分利用网络,制作精美的教学课件,认真钻研教材,精心设置阅读教学活动,充分发挥学生自主阅读,合作探究,形成了“导入激趣、情植氛围、读中求知、练中强化”的教学效果。它吻合了目前新课改英语阅读教学的基本教学原则,教学过程简单,可操作性强。

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