

浏览:1713  来源:深圳家教网广深家教  日期:2019-05-05


  • 解的十个特征:
  • 体现中心思想(包括段落中心)的是解
  • 照抄原文的不是解,同义替换的是解
  • 含义不肯定的是解,如:can  could  may  usually  might  most  more or less  relatively  be likely to

含义绝对的不是解: must   always  never  the most  all  any  none  entirely


  • 具体的不是解,概括性的、抽象的是解
  • 带有some的是解:someone  somebody  sometime  something  certain
  • 简单的不是解,复杂的是解,字面意思不是解,含义深刻的是解
  • 带虚词的解:

another  other  more  either  both  also  beside  additional  extra  different  same  particular  nearly  not enough

  • “变化”是解:

change  delay  improve  postpone  increase

  • “重要的、基础的”是解:important  necessity  essential basis  

be based on

  • 二选一:反义项有解;形似项有解;近义项有解


  • 阅读题的四种题型及其命题思路
  • 主旨题-中心思想
  • Main idea -what is the main idea / point of this passage?



  • Main topic -what is the main topic / subject / title?
  • Purpose -what is the author’s main purpose in the passage?


  • 细节性问题
  • Accroding-考查对文章内容的掌握,如:时间、地点、事件等细节问题。


  • Number-考查对文章中数字的掌握,
  • 运算型:通过简单的四则运算求解。


  • 多选一型:文中出现多个时间或数字,对应不同的事物,考其中的一个。


  • 范围型,
  • 世纪型
  • Except题型-即三缺一型,要求选出一个不符合文章内容的选项。
  • Which题型


  • 推断型问题

命题包括以下动词:infer, imply, suggest, conclude, assume.


  • 根据文中的关键词、短语、结构进行推断;
  • 通过阅读某段或几段内容
  • 注意:要根据文中内容进行推断,不能凭空猜测。
  • 词汇型问题
  • 考查熟词偏义或在特定场合具体的词义


  • 生词的含义推断




  • 文章的中心、段落的中心
  • 指代关系

  • 因果关系
  • 正因果关系


  • 反因果关系




  • 文章的十大考点
  • 列举处常考          细节题,特别是Which型和Except型;
  • 转折处和对比处常考

However, but, yet, in fact, although, 转折:unlike, until, however, but等。

  • 例子常考          推断题和细节题

as, such as, for example, for instance, i.e. etc.

  • 数字和年代常考


  • 最高级和绝对性词汇常考         答案具有唯一性

must, all, only, anyone, always, never,或most, first.

  • 专有名词常考


  • 细节处常考         细节题


  • 因果句常考         推断题

因果连词:because, since, for, as, therefore, so, consequently etc

因果动词:cause, result in,originate from, etc

因果名词:base, basis, result, consequence. etc

  • 段落中心句常考         主题题和细节题


  • 特殊标点常考          细节题






tolerable and some ultraviolet rays penetrate the atmosphere. Cosmic rays of various kinds come through the air from outer space, but enormous quantities of radiation from the sun are screened off. As soon as men leave the atmosphere they are exposed to this radiation but their spacesuits or the walls of their spacecraft, if they are inside, do prevent a lot of radiation damage.

greatest known danger to explorers in space. The trouble is that it is extremely difficult to be sure about radiation damage        a person may feel perfectly well, but not cells of his sex organs may be damaged, and this will not be discovered until the birth of (deformed) children or even grandchildren.






1、According to the passage, without atmosphere            

A) spaceships can never be shot into space

B) sunlight can’t reach the earth      (具体不是解)

C) plants can produce varied food

D) our environment would be intolerable(概括是解,含义相反的是解)

2、When men spend long period in space they will protect themselves by       

A) taking special drugs

B) wearing special suits(替换spacesuits是解)

C) using a protective blanket

D) no solution has been found yet

3、The greatest danger to men in space is         

A) meteors             B) weightlessness

C) radiation            D) magnetic force

4、Which of the following statement is true according to the passage?

A) the grandchildren of astronauts are deformed

B) the children of astronauts have damaged sex organs

C) radiation damage may show only in later generations(may是解)

D) radiation does not seem to be very harmful

5、Radiation is dangerous to men,        

A) but we dont know exactly how dangerous it is 

B) but only in space          (替换是解)

C) so we should build up our health

D) and we can do nothing about it at the present time 




Although some critics of the media claim that these means of communication are used mainly to control our thinking and get us to buy products that we don’t need, the media also contribute to keeping people informed. In other words, while dangers do exist, the benefits of the media far outweigh the disadvantages. Most of the messages brought to viewers, listeners, and readers are designed either to inform or to entertain, and neither of these goals can be considered dangerous or harmful.

in -depth on publicly funded TV channels and radio stations as well as in newspapers. In addition, the public broadcasting media can help viewers and listeners to complete or further their education.

The media also give people the information they need in their daily lives and the media can be a valuable means of educating the public. Even though the media can be misused, most of their effects are positive.

  • The main point the writer tries to make in this text is that         
  • Advertising is harmful when it presents incorrect information.
  •  The positive effects of the mass media outweigh the negative ones.(概括是解)
  • People should learn to take advantage of the media’s benefits.
  • TV is more useful as a means of entertainment than as a means of providing information.
  • What should consumers of the mass media be taught at an early age?
  • To bring their imagination into full play when watching programs of low quality.
  • To buy products advertised so that the demand increases.
  • To turn off the TV set when hurt by bad programs.
  • To think carefully about the messages brought to them.(替换是解)
  • We can learn from paragraph 3 that citizens will be in a better position to express their views and make their choices if they are          
  • Highly educated through TV and radio.
  • Well protected by the government
  • Highly paid by the employers
  • Well informed by the media(概括是解)
  • The underlined phrase “in -depth in paragraph 3 could be best replaced by       
  • Thoroughly(句义,词形)
  • Partly
  • Relatively



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